Jamie Felts • Nov 14, 2022


Puddles of water are great for your kids to splash in for a few minutes of reprieve, but those puddles eventually lead to havoc on your home’s foundation.

For a simple solution to move pooling water around a downspout or drain line, installing a pop-up emitter is a great solution. 

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A pop-up emitter can be placed virtually anywhere on your property, just make sure it meets your local codes and it doesn’t affect your neighbor’s property. Every yard is different so reach out with any questions and we will point you in the right direction! 

How Is a Pop-Up Beneficial and How Do They Work?

When there is a rain event, water collects on your roof and typically runs off into a gutter system. Connecting downspout adapters or installing a catch basin at the ground level of your downspout that then connects to buried drainage pipe, the pop up is located at the end of your line, carrying and evacuating water to a safe place. 

The water pressure causes the lid to ‘pop up’ and when the pressure decreases, the lid will stay closed. The eliminates debris and wildlife from entering your pipe and maintaining a clean and free flowing drain. 

Pop-ups can also be used to terminate French drains and complete drainage runoff systems. 


Pop Ups are the end of the line in a complete drainage map. They connect directly to 3” or 4” pipe that is then connected to either your downspout adapter or a catch basin at your downspout. For proper flow, causing the lid to "pop-up", generally a 2% slope from the downspout to the pop-up is required. 

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